(This script takes ~30sec to run the numbers, you may have to click continue.)
World Age: days old
This graph has been scaled to 10% to make it viewable (after 40 million iterations the graph is taller than the window).
Explanation: This engine creates random numbers between 1-100 and stacks
them so that we can see which numbers have showed up more often than others.
The graph shows the accumulation of the random numbers with each bar giving
the relative occurance of each number. What is important is not that the graph
forms a pattern, the pattern could be a reflection of an imperfect random number
generator, but that once the pattern has been established it changes only very
slowly. If successive random rolls (like handfuls of dice) do happen to form
a pattern when the numbers are recorded, each successive roll changes the pattern
less and less. If you grow a universe from random rolls to a decent age and then
exist for 100 days, the 100 days of complete randomness does very little to change
the accumulated pattern.
Is it possible then that our universe is a pattern accumulated from and perpetuated by randomness? (our universe is ~5,011,450,000,000 days old)